Sunday, March 14, 2010


---Just found this in my drafts---

There are two weeks left of my fuchchadom at IIM Ahmedabad, as I sit to write this bog on a Sunday evening. Don't misread me, I DO NOT have the time to write this blog. I am stealing it between assignments!

How desperately each fuchcha looks forward towards the end of this period is not something I will waste a blog entry on! But as this period draws to an end, there are idiots like me who, despite the pain and the misery of the year gone, will look back and cherish each day.

It has changed a lot in me. Having been born and brought up in one place, I have had the luxury of the company of family, friends and love whenever I needed them.

This was by far the most happening year of my life. It was tough to save the relationship in the beginning, which I managed to scrape through. There were inc

I came into this year a kid, I am going out a man.

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